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My journey in learning Go Programming Language

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    Luiz Henrique Amaral Soares

Why I decided to learn Go?

The Go Language is one of the most powerful languages in the development world alongside Rust.

I decided to start studying it due to its popularity with back-end systems, for example one of the most popular software in back-end programming is docker which was made in Go.

Programming Experience

Who to generate a project

In Go you have to create and organize the project manually, Go not provide a CLI to generate a project to you like Ruby on Rails or Rust

The Language Syntax

Go's syntax is very nice, in my opinion it doesn't compare to Ruby's syntax which has one of the best usability as a language

Because of this, I started researching more about less known languages and discovered one called Crystal. I ended up becoming interested in it and I plan to talk about it in a future article.

Modules systems

Go has a extremely versatile module system that allows you to create and share parts of existing projects ad reuse them when necessary.

This reminds me a bit of git submodules, which is one of the most common ways of managing dependencies in C/C++


Go is an extremely powerful language that has unique characteristics, being extremely advantageous when applied in the right situations. I see many people selling it as superior to Rust ad vice versa, but both are incredible only in the problems they were designed to solve.